Tamar (Palm) Younger Pre-school Class –
Age range from around 30 months to 42 months.
Our Tamar class has a bright and open space on the ground floor for our younger pre-school group, connected by a divider to the Rimon class.
The children have access to lots of stimulating equipment and resources to encourage their learning in all of the seven areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, including a role-play area, book corner, sand/ water area, construction area, arts and crafts table, small world area and interest table.
Tamar and Rimon share a playground with a large sandpit, mud kitchen, water area, gardening area and car with caravan for role-play. We often go for walks in the woods or picnics/ races/ games on the field, ride bikes and scooters in the assigned area and the over threes have forest school.