Shofar opens its doors for Forest School, an outdoor child-led inspirational learning process that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions.
Forest School is a lovely program that not only supports play, exploration and risk taking, but it also helps develop children’s confidence and self-esteem through hands-on experiences in a natural setting.
We are so privileged to have set up a brilliant camp for our Pre-school children to connect with nature and learn and discover the world around them whilst gaining new skills, such as learning how to whittle or use a saw or learning how to build a den out of natural resources.
Whilst we are supporting them with developing these new skills, we need to ensure their welfare and safety, so we need to make sure they are wearing appropriate clothing and shoes whilst participating to these sessions.
We are therefore asking all children to wear:
- Long sleeved tops and trousers (including during summer) to prevent or minimise grazing or scraping,
- Hats ( depending on the season – winter hats for winter and sun hats in summer)
- Wellies (no sandals in summer, trainers accepted only for summer time).
Please ensure your child has plenty of spare clothes at nursery, as Forest School sessions do get messy, especially when we do mud cooking.
Thank you,
Bibi Grigoras
Forest School Leader